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Intentions of Intimacy – New moon circle for Women

27 February

€25 – €50

True intimacy starts with yourself, and that starts with setting intentions of Intimacy.
Often, we experience blockages toward intimacy – whether with ourselves, others, or life itself. Yet, it is your willingness to meet yourself exactly where you are in the proces what opens the doors to authentic connection and intimacy.

With this new moon women’s circle, you are invited to turn inward, connect, listen, breathe, and move, and to plant intentions for the upcoming time. ✨
We will connect to the three energetical centers of the head, heart, and womb, to ground in ourselves in the different layers and approach intimacy with a wholesome approach.

What does intimacy mean to you?
What is your true desire in intimacy?
How can you open to inner intimacy now?

✨Whether you want to join this evening as a one-time journey, or as the start of the 9-week women’s course ‘Intimacy’, I welcome you warmly into this conscious space!
In case you want to orientate on the course, save the dates and find all information here: https://helena-igel.com/intimacy-tantra-course-for-women/

* Trauma informed
* Max. 14 participants

Warm hugs, Helena


Helena Igel




Van Oldenbarneveltlaan 6
Groningen, Groningen 9716 EJ Netherlands