Tantra • Breathwork • Coaching

Bringing transformative Tantra into your life

Even though life has the potential for endless fulfilment, it can be challenging to lean into this reality. We can experience emotional shallowness, miss truthfulness in relations, or feel stuck in old patterns. Spiritual practices can lead to ‘heights’, yet it is difficult to transfer these deep learnings into everyday life. Or you feel that the spiritual teachings do not embrace the totality of your experience, like your playfulness, everyday frustration, or sensuality. 

Somewhere you know there is more. More realness, more joyfulness, a deeper connection with your essence,
an embodiment of your authentic path.

Integrated Tantra...

invites you to let go of how spirituality should or shouldn’t look like, and take all experiences into a continuous exploration – from the most extraordinary to everyday ones. It’s not about becoming more nice, spiritual or perfect, but about becoming aware of the totality of who you are. All parts of you can be the starting point for realizing your free, limitless, and joyful essence.

May it be real? May it be juicy? May it be raw?

By honestly exploring what is inside, we can experience boundless freedom that expands in mysterious ways.

Integrated Tantra...

invites you to let go of how spirituality should or shouldn’t look like, and take all experiences into a continuous exploration – from the most extraordinary to everyday ones. It’s not about becoming more nice, spiritual or perfect, but about becoming aware of the totality of who you are. All parts of you can be the starting point for realizing your free, limitless, and joyful essence.

May it be real? May it be juicy? May it be raw?

By honestly exploring what is inside, we can experience boundless freedom that expands in mysterious ways.

In opening up to the dance of life, we create space for freedom, abundance, and authenticity.

Tantra Workshops

Join us on one day workshops to get a taste of Tantra, Yoga, and Breathwork.

Click on the slide to see the event and tickets.

Tantra Courses & Retreats

Infinite retraite

Geef je over aan de holding van Aanwezigheid.

14-17 november

De Dieken, Holten, Netherlands

Dark retreat

Unleash the gifts of your shadows!

We welcome you to dive deep, celebrate all human shapes, and reclaim your wholeness.

2-4 February

De Dieken, Holten, Netherlands

Alive Retreat

Expand the power of your desire

What makes you feel truly alive?
What if you give space to all your longings? 

We welcome you to explore the depth of your desire.


10-12 May 2024

De Dieken, Holten, Netherlands

Coaching with Helena and Ruben

Online meditations & Courses

You can find us on Insight Timer. Soon you can enjoy more practices and online courses…

Any time


Private sessions

We offer  1on1 and couples (2on2) sessions.

Receive a custom-made session based on your needs. Take a deep dive with (one of) us into Tantra, transform old patterns with Breathwork, or receive coaching to build healthy habits, and go beyond what you imagined was possible for you!

By appointment

Online or in person

Ruben and Helena radiate so much passion and warmth. They have an amazing way of inviting you to explore every aspect of yourself and made me feel safe the entire time.

Smile Tantra Participant Lake Groningen



In the breathwork session, I was dancing my blockages away!

Participant Groningen Netherlands Tantra Self-development Spirituality


Personal development Coach

The way Ruben and Helena bring out this manifestation of Tantra and allow others to stand in their own power is truly beautiful. The way inspires me greatly!

Participant Groningen Netherlands Tantra Self-development Spirituality


(Cognition & Control)

Wow what a nourishing, powerful experience! The ‘Trust’ retreat was really what I needed! It was magical! a well balanced mix of methods to tap into our hurt/darkness and then step into our light/our vital power. It came easy to trust the group and the practices, R&H created a safe space for us from the very first evening! I am grateful to all and will for sure attend other Integrated Tantra events!



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Integrated Tantra

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Integrated Tantra